Your Hometown Ministry

Your hometown is your Jerusalem. Remember that the apostles and the disciples evangelized first in Jerusalem. And then God used the converted to take the Gospel around the world!

In your town you can take a nice stroll and start giving out tracts or having Gospel-oriented conversations with all types of people. Will some people think you’re a nut? Probably, but if you’re a nice nut that shows love and compassion for others, they just might see Jesus in you and come to Him for eternal life. Ask God to lead you in your efforts. He knows who is ready and who is not. Just remember in the same way your own family is part of your mission, think of your town as your mission field as well.

With this mindset, so many things in your town can be done to share Christ with non-believers First, pray. Second, ask God to give you wisdom and ideas to reach out. Third, grab a partner or two and show up and do something in Jesus’ name that will catch attention and bless others.

Our friends at Saturate have blessed literally millions of people over many years by organizing churches to “adopt” zip codes where believers from those churches distribute Gospel materials (Tracts, Books, DVD’s, etc.) door to door.

If you’re home and you answer the door to a Saturate “worker”, you’re likely to be greeted by a very cheerful upbeat person who gives you a bag of Gospel stuff and strikes up a brief, cordial conversation. There’s no asking for money and no pushy attitude. Remember, it’s just our job to proclaim. So that takes the pressure off us. But for the recipient of the visit, they get some materials that plant a seed, and if that seed grows, they just might repent and turn to Jesus. Remember it’s God who draws them, we don’t have to try to convince them.